July 30, 2009

itsumi & danny

i juss got back to home then........................
the box is sittin' in my room and i popped then appeared dem!
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awwwwwwwwwww how sweeeeeeet the BD present is
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jesus mug! pour in a hot beverage and jesus gets cheeky! yes imma do it lata on ;D
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ooooooh maaaaan u made it for me! much detail and i feel ya love and sweet smell 
ほんとに!sweet smellなのだ!
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flip over then its a beautiful white satin material / front like " god save the queen"
how cool the gap!
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so ive been waiting " just married " card!!! finally i got it!!!! 
and im really glad that danny wrote the message for me!? 
its really special yes really really special to me cuz i cant imagine to ur writing sum ;p 
thats y ほんとに嬉しい!!!!
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yupyup i already put both card on the wall
well,I don't know how to express my feel, i just i appreciate itsumi and danny 's big love
i tried to call u few hours ago but it was answering machine ohhhh no good timing as always
so baaaaaddddd but i ll lata again!
whole bunch love to itsumi and danny♡♡♡♡♡ありがとううううううううううあたしゃ幸せだあああああああ

July 29, 2009

to da beach

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yup changed the pix. by patrick o'dell
cuuuz suddenly yuri told me bout him then..............shes my type hahah


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thanks kana! she puts our pix on the editor's postscript of warp magazine
i found a lil goal in near? far? the future by yuri & kana! umm its great idea!
hope it come true wiz we all together! lets see!

July 27, 2009

fucked up got ambushed zipped in

i'm so tired

out here i can barely see my breath
surrounded by jealousy and death
i can't be reached only had one call
dragged underneath separate from you all

this time i've lost my own return
in spite of everything i've learned
i hid my tracks, spit out all my air
slipped into cracks stripped of all my cares

i'm so tired sheep are counting me
no more struggle no more energy
no more patient and you can write that down
it's all too crazy and i'm not sticking round

yesterday was such a good day
even tho
time goes fast
fast to change our everything
thats the life

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los angeles times : here
glen e friedman : http://idealistpropaganda.blogspot.com/

i hate u cuz ur the fool but im a bitch

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" charm wags " dog's stuff shop. like she said " imma render to service for dogs cuz our life was sumsumsum"
anyway she repay for dogs but i am sorry i have a cold heart or heartless, im not interesting the dogs
i mean i do love and feel dem cutees but i have no space to take care of dogs sum like that 
暖かく見守ります とおおおおおくから
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昨日はあたしの嫌いな 基、あたしが嫌い ” だった ” 女のもとへ行ってきた 笑
だけど ”私はあなたが嫌いでした” と言えるワタシ
そして ”今思えばバカだったな〜” と言うタナカヒサミ
で結局、 えーえー私がビッチだから 悪いんですよねっ と言える今
うちら40歳 ハハハ 思い出話は尽きないのだ。。。。

昨日?木村が来店 私も来店

”私暴露本出すからね!” と提案
暴露本?暴露写真集? まっ前にも書いたけど 自分の軌跡を書いてみようかと
”あんたのことも書くわよ!TだのNだのイニシャルなんて面倒なこともしねーから実名でいくよ!" って言ったら
”ええぇわかりました 私の事書く前にあんたに毒もります” だって この女ぁ〜〜〜 笑
”誰がそんなの読みたいのよーー" って
誰が読もうが、読まなかろうが 書くんだぬぅーーーーーーーん

だけどね 19 20歳のころの私達なんてかわいいもんよ
好きだー 嫌いだー なんてのはさ かわいい ほんとに。。。。

とにかく書くからネッ!!!覚悟おしぃぃぃぃーーーーー ハハハハハハハハ

でもほんと久々に逢えて話して楽しかったよ♡ 思い出を共有できるってステキ♡ そして笑っちまう!
それにしてもチーム " セミホモ " は健在だぁね 女は振り回されちゃう感じ?!ですわ☆

pls im so sick of to write by english! hahahah
if u want me to do it juss lemme know imma put damn sum english

turbo sonic : http://turbosonic.net
charm wags : http://charmwags.com

i realized im an unanarchy

ターボソニックの後 " ANRCHY book center " に行ってきた=3
偶然にも途中 "
DENSE " くんに逢って びっくり
彼は彼で私の車見て  "
666 " の車だぁーーーラッキー?!と思ってました なんて言ってて笑

そうよあなたはアンラッキーよ あと2台 "
666" 見ないと悪いこと起きるヨーーー
a american ex bf's momによく言われたのを思い出しますわ
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source by night rider

でね zineを見に行って
まっ色々かっこいいものもあれば 私には興味がないものや
色々な人がジンを作ったり 色々語っていたり、ジンフェアについて書いてくれてたけど
ああぁぁ私これじゃないな と密かに感じて。。。。。
ただジンを作ることは 私がやりたいことじゃないな と思ってしまった
今の私は 怒りや憤りや ”これ!”といった何かを伝えたい強い思い、反骨精神はなくなってしまったので
みんなのジンを見れば見る程 そこの場所は違うと至極思ってしまった
それにターボソニックに行って タナカヒサミと思い出話にハナが咲き 
何かを作りたい 書きたい という思いが一層強くなってしまったのです
今の私というより 今まで私がしてきたことを書き残し 写真として撮り残して 人生を終えたい気持ちに向いてきてしまった まっ大袈裟ですが

だからといって これからノホホーーーーーンとお気楽に暮らすわけではないですぞ

私をサポートしてくれた イツミ、エリック、ダニー、night rider crew etcetc にはすっごく感謝してます!
あらためて ありがとう!!!! 


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イツミちーーーんzine送ってないのにこっちに載せちゃってごめんなさーーーい お手紙も書いたし、残すところ送るだけだったんだけど
どうにもこうにも lazy motherfuckerなもんで

anarchy book center : http://www.revisit.jp
night rider : http://www.kwg.jp

July 25, 2009


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he brought the iceeeeee of godiva for us hella delicious and thanks!!!!
ummmmmmmm dammmmn sleepy....................

men in black

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aint faggot?! or faggot?! omfg!!! its young bloods at after party for exhibiton!!!

so i wana thank to all my homies to come holla at our exhibition!!!
last nite i couldnt even get an answer, i tried to ask but my pride wouldnt let me it

July 24, 2009

Here he comes he's all dressed in white and black

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we wore all in white tee include me hahah
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cant wait the vacation!

July 18, 2009

<3 <3 <3

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actually my feel is unlike below the image " thuggish " lately
im a like girrrlllyyyyyyy? hum? whateva whateva whateva ああああお腹空いたなんか食べたい

up to a brownstone

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baby don't u holler darling don't u bawl and shout
ummmmm sleepyhead

July 16, 2009


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Tiffany for my brah " KIM "

my lil man req me to get this cartoon's DS soft...........

well, alala my homies r birthday in this week! actually today, my lil man " takeru " 
and old homie " kim " 's BD.  so bout to go to see his wife for his BD

six chicks sucks

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below the dude " maceo " sent me dis info
prolly wont come down there cuz we have a BD party for my lil man at the night
gome~~~~~n, maceo

July 15, 2009


b. 1981 died July 13, 2009


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pete miser n maceo
maceo brought him "pete" to our shop! and he got a bike business that hustle!
but for me...... no interesting those bike sorry da 
thiss not dissin, those style juss doesnt much on ME!!! hahahahah
its good vehicle for rolling fast or sum huh?
sunday nite has party at lebaron,  pete ll dj at there 
so maceo ask to me hit the party but im not a party chick lately?!?!
we ll wussup n hit ur bar before u leave to NY mayne!

maceo of kinfolkbicycles : http://www.wegotways.com
pete miser : http://www.petemiser.com    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete_Miser

July 14, 2009

lovely day

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yes it is. i do love the fisherman hat
im bout to go =3333

July 13, 2009

dreaming up

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by Danny R lately my favee.............
aaaaaaaaaaaahh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm take a breath

the other nite at zine's reception

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alala peeps at there we couldnt even get in!!!!!!! the grin of prillmal is reporting
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our spot, the wood frame of zine is made by nightrider
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the stoner and we r kick back and chillin front of the vennue
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 " say whats crackin' "
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" the three "
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so we were at the mexican food's restaurant.
peeps r checkin on my blog, they knows it was my birthday!
say to me " happy birthday to one-chan "
after that mr sekiya said " 40th birthday! " then like i said " shut fuck ur mouf dude!!! " lmao
anywayz thank yall remember my BD and say it!
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zine of dense, nightrider, nozaka........they gave me their zine or said exchange but sry i didnt even make extra zines
well, imma make sum more for exchange and ship to my friends, please wait lil mins
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the cuteee stuffs from yu chan which the girl beside me at restaurant♡ thank u sooooo much
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" we r ara fo " ara fo mean is around 40 years old, hummmm????
its me kyoko, yuri from LA, kana of warp magazine's editor
well, yuri got a new word in japanese bout around 40 thats y she wana use this word alot at the time lol
finally i met up kana. its alotta meaningful on us cuz its hard to find new friend after we got a mature cuz we already has deep personality rite? but fortunately we r good much on each character lol
thanks yuri hooked me up wiz kana!
lastly, thanks nightrider's crew for hooking me up wiz this good opportunity!
でね、1個前のポストわかる人にはわかる♡♡♡な感じ きゃはーーーーーーーー
っつーか オレかなりわかりやすいですよね?!ゆりちゃん!かなちゃん!ではまた!ラブ