September 27, 2009

awww this ben davis is the shit

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this ben davis's slim type pants is the shiiii 
good form and look good!!!!
see the front pocket looks like a western pants, i love it!!!!
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ive never thought i wore the down vest and like this pants again
i know i know the style is old fashioned, like out door style? or work style? huh
even tho i still love it!!!!
ヤバーーーーいこのパンツのシルエットチョーーーーーいい!!!!サンクスベン☆ なもんで昔っぽいカッコしたくなった

down vest : core fighter
henry neck tee : core fighter
pants : ben davis
boots : danner


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so yesterday, watty, kwg and i went to horimasa's studio at 2 next prefecture
who handmade of japanese traditional tattooer
it was real meaningful time wiz masa and my brothers
i felt like great afresh cuz the japanese traditional tattoo has a lot of deeply meaning 
wiz mythology and sum lucks, rite?
thanks masa! and appreciate wataru! to asked to me come down there wiz yall!

それに基づいて彫っていく男達の体が何とも言えずかっこいい 男限定???
っつーか私は和彫似合わないから 男限定ってことで。。。。。

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ramen for dinner mr grin風に撮りました〜〜〜おいしかったよ===333ミスターS

September 25, 2009

after love that made me wana hit the swisher


im used to moving out, feeling kinda stuck these days..
because of you
and i'd be on the highway, if only i could leave my place
because of you
i used to be a talker but i ain't got nothing good to say
because of you
an i been trying to hide but it's written all over my face
so i...
i really thought you were the one, the only one
i guess that i was wrong and you turned out you wasn't it
if everything i thought so but what do you do after love?
what can you say when it's said and done
nothing at all cause you can't hide a heart break
wen you can't stop these tears from falling down
so what do you do? what do you do? what you do? after love it hurts so bad...

ive been playing this song in my whip wiz sum reason then suddenly flesh text me last nite
he listened my story and we were talking bout old days..............u help me out and im all cried out, set me free

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2004 core fighter
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swisher sweet cherry, i can smoke only this one
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vaughn joyeux aka flesh and swisher sweet

off the wall and knittting

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got dem tees " off the wall " so i gotta knit sum for the tees
ummmm guess, i wont finish to knit............chu know im a lazymotherfucker!!!!!!!
god bless me luck me sum shyt


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check this out check this out buddies
new pix is updated on WHSS page that i shoot the other day hehehe

wooden horse special service :

california love? huh? or not?

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ron herman in tokyo
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today, i went to the hair salon after that rollin' around by bike...............

September 24, 2009

love is blind

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tonight movie " crazy love "

crazy love :
linda pugach :

im a str8 edge

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my " corona " bandana
no alcohol no smoke no sex ? str8 edge? so what? " YES SEX DRUG ROCK'N ROLL " HA

smells like???

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i looooooovveeee body lotion! vicky, calgon, BVLGARI, body shop, L'occitane
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take me away "morning glory" and hermes "kelly caleche"
especially calgon morning glory is my favorite yea its cheap shit but we cant get this one in japan
i always get them from mall in US air force base near my house
those smell bring me back memories

calgonmorning glory はホントにいい香りなの
ex bfのママがいつも買ってきてくれて だから想い出の香り 

September 19, 2009

number of the beast is horrorcore

worship satan, horror truck is the syte
triple six mafia triple six mafia triple six mafia 
triple six mafia triple six mafia triple six mafia
then i got the number for my whip syte
私の車どうしてナンバーが666かっていうとtriple six mafiaが好きだからlmao単純なの
今日はマイビッチとずーーーーーっと3−6の話してたね〜〜〜〜〜 ああああああ彼らに逢えるかと思うとちょーーーーエキサイト☆
かつては悪魔崇拝者なんて言ってて ホラーなトラック作ってたけど
willie hutchも使ってるし、サンクス 神様なんて言っちゃてるみたいだけど。いーのいーのそれでもいーーーーの そんなもんよ☆ 
とにかく私たち逢いに行くわね!!!!ステージ上がってケツ フっちゃうんだから====3333 
さっき久々にtear me up by dem songs in my roomよ!!!!一人で ハハハハハ

laffy taffy

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core fighter " argyle mohair cardigan "
i was suppoed to get the color of middle 1 but seem dont much on me.........
blue is cuteeee??? and i lovvvvve argyle pattern♡

how much do i love u?

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how much do i love spike studs !!!!!!!
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imma make sum lil leather purse wiz spike

September 18, 2009

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what have i done u seem to move on easy

September 17, 2009

triple six mafia

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aw shit 
awwwwww shiiiiiiiiiit 
three 6 mafia 
ll come to tokyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chu know how long time im waiting aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
lets get hypnotize minds

September 15, 2009

wheres my girrrs at wheres my bitches at

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my favorite girl is here!!!!!!!! baby girl " seri " mom " fuu "
i do love her hair do " mashroom "
i do love her outfits
i do love her whole bunch tatts
she is a tattooer shiiiiiii

her and her hubby came to our shop for 3 or 4yrs then
ivent been checking on her soooo hard hahahah
finally i got a her number and stuff <3

フーちゃ〜ん昨日は遊びに来てくれてありがとう♡ 次回は茶しましょ☆

September 12, 2009

zzzbbonge bobbbbbuuu???

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aaaaaw poor my zombie sponge bob
sigh,,,,,lately my feel was like this........... hahahahahahahah
hum im out =3
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you called yesterday to basically say
that you care for me
but that ur just not in love
immediately i pretended
to be feeling similarly
and led you to believe it was okay
to just walk away from the one thing
thats unyielding and sacred to me
well i guess im trying to be
nonchalant about it
and im going to extremes to prove
im fine without you
but in reality im slowly losing my mind
underneath a disguise of a smile
gradually im dying inside
friends ask me how i feel
and i lie convincingly
cuz i dont want to reveal
the fact that im suffering
So i wear my disguise
till i go home at night
and turn down all the lights
and then i break down and cry
そういうこと。。。。?! そういうことデス

はぁ雨嫌だなぁぁぁ こんな日は concentrate on 執筆です。。。。。

September 11, 2009

the day

あれから8年 テレビも911のこと流さない
ここはステイツではないし 特別な思いも今となってはないのかもしれないけど

あの日のことや あの頃私はどうしていたかとか 私のそばにいた友達のこととか

それでもやっぱり クローゼットの中をのぞいて
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あの時 偶然にも義弟が仕事でマンハッタンに来ていて逢ったんだよね 
今思うと すごい偶然以外のなにものでもないんだけど

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east hampton beach in NY 
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道を尋ねたおばーちゃんが”うちに泊まりなさい”って この部屋を使わせてくれたの

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”あの時ニュージャージーにあるミスターラルフの別荘に行ったんだ まっ彼はいなかったけど。。。。”
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exhibition of ralph lauren in manhattan
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he lectured me bout RRL

8年前 2001年
9:20PM 面会時間過ぎてて。。。。 
突然 携帯が鳴って メールがたくさん届いて
日本にあるベースからだったり ステイツからだったり

私たち日本人と基地にいる友達 その周りにいるアメリカ人と
私たちは怒ってたね 理不尽すぎて

back in the day
we were always together  
running around for make money and shit 
but so much fun huh 

結局 そんなもん 
” ツインタワー崩壊 ”
私にとっては それくらいのことだったんだなぁ。。。。。


ぁぁあ。それにしてもtime tripっていうのかな 
昔の写真漁ってるときって 今起きてるイヤなことも忘れさせてくれるんだなぁ

8yrs have passed sicne then
this year i dont even see the 9.11's news in TV
i know here is not states
we dont even think of bout 9.11 where live in jp.......

in fact
im remembering bout the twin tower is collapse
more than what i was doing on that time or bout around my homies on that time
sad to say
collapse twin tower is juss tool for reminiscence

even tho
im searching sum pictures in closet

i found
the pic of twin tower is i took from cheap motel 
that i was like a backpacker and going around in states of east side
ow yea
by coincidence, i met up my brother in law in manhattan what he is coming for business trip
its unbelievable cuz the era was we dont even have celler and sum like that
so juss unbelievable

i found
i was working wiz ralph lauren company
i took pic of twin tower from on cruiser for dinner in business trip
"yea i went to mr ralph's house in new jersey ! but he is not there, we juss chill at his house hahah"

bout 8yrs ago
...........last year i already wrote bout that day on here
so i visit homie at jail in police station
9:20pm visiting hour is already passed
but we gotta wait at there anyways
then suddenly keep ringin' my celler and get text from alala homies where lives in states
and americans in jp bout what happened on the twinz tower
my eyes fell on the TV in the police station
" the plane plunged into towers from the blue sky " " the twinz r collapsed " it was a dreadful sight...... 

surely it was so shocking
but we got involve............
for awhile me n homies were hard to see eachother after that cuz the federal government control alala things between americans n japanese
we were sorrowful more than bout the tower
we were anger cuz its an unreasonable
sorry for victims........

time goes
after all
bout twin tower collapsed that does not matter much on us
sorry bout that for victims 

September 10, 2009

rugger mann

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my bro's brand " core fighter " released the rugger shirts then
now remember i already have baby rugger shirts of ralph lauren!!!! oooooold stuff!!!!
baby rugger shirts:ralph lauren, skirt:lee, boots:redwing pecos, glass:tart optical

September 8, 2009

antiaging??? lmao

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cath kidston mug and fresh supplement (click it up →royal jelly,astaxanthin,squalene,acerola)
mr asahi who the famous hair make up artist recommended bout this stuff that have to
keep refrigerated for fresh!
well i first time to buy those stuff so we ll see whats gona be on my health and skin!

linda evangelista tee from sophie stephens

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i orderd the linda, richard tee!

September 5, 2009

lets go out tonite!

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have a good 1 =3


gimme sum moe

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" crucifix gun " system wiz central percussion
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" femme fatale " mini cased ring pinfire revolver
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" will & finck " padlock alarm gun
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" key flintlock " The left side carries clips of belt, as if this “thing” were made to be carried!!
the weapons r real attractive for me............ especially guns
i dont know y its juss make me excite or sum!
but i dont need real one cuz i have no patient that mean is imma quickness shot u if u got me pissed
or shot myself if cruelly things happened on me huh
so i juss wana get sum tatt of weapon on mah body more n more hahah me, weakass?!

core fighter

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core fighter crew mad, wataru, genpac
wiz glasses "RAY CHARLES" model and mohair cardigans prolly imma get the argyle mohairs!
source by warp magazine
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gents rule
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gents rule.......its the hat " borsalino " and sticks

wooden horse ss for core fighter :