October 31, 2009

pocahontas and the son of a preacher man

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i was supposed to be like her "pocahontas" my black friends called me that
is mean biyoooch??? dont u??? HA whateva whateva i like her anyway
have a happy halloween====33333

ほら見てみて 色黒のおさげでオッパイ盛っておけばもうポカホンタス(随分前のお写真♡)
だけど今夜の六本木パーティーはバックレ キャハ♡ だってヤロとご飯行くんダモーーーーーーーーン

through the back yard we'd go walking, then he'd look into my eyes, lord knows to my suprise

October 30, 2009

back in the CAL days

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core fighter office in downtown LA
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paco exel at core fighter office
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insolence and core fighter crew
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bob roberts(spotlight tattoo), scott sylvia, juan puente(black heart tattoo), horitaka
paco exel, noboru, wataru, norikazu
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in SF, both arms tattoo by grime
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core fighters tee
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downtown LA
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heck yes!
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core fighter's calavera?
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CF office
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bye bye
all photos by mr seo and these photos are around 2000 or 2001,2002?

"free" from itsumi

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yeeeeeeayooooooo today, i got a book "free" from itsumi
she gave me a message in the blank page of beside her last page, so cute huh
anywayz thank u sooooooooooooo much and ur text, photos r great and i enjoyed it!

fuck you heroes '78 : http://itsumiisnotyourfriend.blogspot.com

October 28, 2009

u drive me crazy!!!

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i was chilling at outside stairs then suddenly mr asahi appear who famous hair make up artist in jp
he got alala sample from company for advertise new their stuff thats y brought sum make up stuff,
skin care stuff for me!!!!!!!
their stuff is high quality, much expensive stuffs, i was like aaaaaaw feel so happy♡
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omg omg thiss so expensive! cosme decorte absolute quality face mask for moisture, lift up
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these r all of l'oreal stuffs
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anna sui "hand mirror lip color palette"
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clarins "eybrow kit, face&blush compact"
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aaaah paul & joe is look sooooo cute♡

タクサンの化粧品と基礎化粧品を持って 突然やってきた朝日サン☆



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besideeeee, did u check it??? the pictures behind make up stuff.............. 
all brits records, quadrophenia, the who, the jam, bay city rollers☆☆☆☆
ブリッツ気分なワタシ 中学生の時に先輩からカセットテープ貸してもらって聞いてた人達 
the jamは "もしお前が耳コピして歌えたらバンドに入れてやる”って言われたんだけど、そんなん無理だったけどね :( 

October 26, 2009

and the heartbreakers

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2 boxes r sitting by door is alot of records in a box then sumhow i checked it
ow dem records grabbed my heart before i leave from house in this morning.............
great pictures on the cover!!! and spent lilbit time in reminiscence of my youth "16 yrs old"

懐かしいレコードがたくさん出てきた 25年以上前に聞いていた物とかイロイロ。。。。
多分、今どの曲聞いても熱いナニかがこみ上げることも 悲しいかな、もうないんだけど 
う〜〜〜んそんなことないか でもプレーヤー壊れてて聞くに聞けないし
だから写真に撮りたくなった 仕事前で時間ないのに!!!

October 25, 2009


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gotta edit dem pictures
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lately im sitting and working at there

im thankful for job keep me busy i dont even take day off that real good to me
and he knows what my mind is going on thats y he give me alot of job
here what im doin' lately
shooooooot : http://woodenhorse.jp/cms/site/list/1087

October 24, 2009

jane birkin takes up photography at cannes in 1975

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that camera looks so ncie and also jane too.i wanna be like her when im taking photo hahah

2 rings r from NightRider

yesterday i got a birthday present from nightrider!!!
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ring of maru(circle) x sankaku(triangle)
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other my rings, cartier"trinity" nightrider"twist" and "black diamonds"
thank uguys sooooo much!!!!!!!!

nightrider : http://www.kwg.jp

October 22, 2009

los bastardos

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wana watch this movie "よそ者 "だって ;p
beside i was thinking bout x'mas decoration for our shop
then sumhow sumthing made me wana go to mexico again.............

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gotta go to post office for my special girl's BD ===3333 plus alala friends has birthday in this month☆
ow today is coworker sugi's birthday<3

October 21, 2009

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la craft biotches

October 19, 2009

jane birkin chic???

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today, feel french chic like a jane birkin? hahah
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and i grabbed the leather jacket for night time, its getting cold outside in the night

hat : newyork hat
knit : core fighter
denim : old non brand
sneaker : chuck taylor
leather jk : topshop

club "pentax"

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we were talking bout pentax camera " k-x " then wataru gave me this pentax tee
lets come join " the pentax " club! ;p

pentax : http://www.pentax.jp/japan/index.php