A Good Time Production Genpac Rock Wataru OKS Mad KT Warp mag of new issue hooked up wiz us " Core Fighter " Goosshh cant take good pic from mag ummmm. CF by WHSS : http://www.woodenhorse.jp
KWG & IORI ............Warp mag of new issue hooked up wiz NR Night Rider is making sum stuffs like Jewelry, Furniture. See Insane the sofa made by them n All materials from ol' Caddy's parts. Good Shyt!!! n Absolutely love it !!! So Yall see what it up!!! NR : http://www.kwg.jp/kwgtop.html
Both r my favee but Both r dissin' eachother cuz Both r same style of fast paced rapping?!?! Whateva whos care?! they made crunk us up in the club wiz smoked HA
Left Russian organized crime:top left "danger",upper right "shut up",lower left "heavy accusation",lower right "not to disclose important facts. Source by my book of gangs tatts(unconcerned of mexico's war ;q ) I got a text from Itsumi wiz sum shiii pic of buckle like she said " We must cancel to come down to Mexico " cuz there is under the drug war! humm But Imma say again " She is a man of man " HA.......she understands whatta hell Im talking bout " JJ x NH " maaaaan
Yaroチャマありがとう〜〜〜 and the chinese foods was hella delicious!!!! At day time I was polish up the Goro's belt......I found it in my closet ;q Actually thiss my brother's one Goro dedicated to my brother " Noboru '89 " BTW I was disappointed of JJ made sum belt wiz NH hummmm for real?!
" Stephanie Seymour " " Christy Turlington " is my Idol " super models " on end of 80's !!!!!!!!!!! Plus Both r born in '68 or sum its old damn! but still amazingly beautiful !!!!! Damn nahhh both r same year in '69 as mine OwoW hum Imma see my ol' magazines of super models later
At last I got it!!!!! " Vivienne Westwood Pirate Boots " Looks good huh But size doesnt fit on me humm....... now sending back to exchange my size. Cant wait to get new one♡ plus I spent alaaala paper lately thats y I canceled to come down to LA on next month Sorry Yuri chan, Prolly Imma be there on May fosho!!!
Yesterday was a real lovely day feels like already we r in the spring so Drive to the Beach We walk through the cave then shrine has emerged......Here is a shrine of wash ur money for get more money HA!
" Yoshio Kodama " controls , politics, mafia-Yakuza, the right wing from behind the scenes He sent the letter to my father I found the letters when I clean up in my closet
Sumtime around in Summer at my brother's room........ Kim! he is a full japanese but he is a sexy italian who treating like sweet on ladys hahah and A Real good italian chef See my bro s wearin' the fedora hat " Borsalino " as always So, we ll move to new office in spring there is gooooood place like a ol' american style house, the fireplace, palm trees, Yea those r not special on foreign countries but chu know in Japan..... Its hard to find those house n hard to get those property in Japan especially in Tokyo thats y lately he is running around for get sum antique furniture n stuff " we ll see wasuup, cant wait to see it "
Black Cats...... Member was working at Garage Paradise-Cream Soda in Harajuku who made by Mr Masayuki Yamazaki Beside I really love mr Yamazaki's story of romance wiz Vivienne who modeling in japanese cosmetics ' 70s n she is a japanese britons Johnny Thunders is big fan of " Black Cats " See he put Black Cats sticker on his guitar
It was 1981 we r 12 yrs old. me n my home girls r riding bike to hit the record shop then we found this group " Black Cats " After that we make money like we were badass robber band to sell hahahah (hellyea we r growin' up in ghetto, who is gona give us money! n the era was cant handling on us!) but its not big deal, So we go to Harajuku to see Black Cats at Garage Paradise in Harajuku or See concert and dancing like rockabilly on the street in Harajuku!!! by skipped class -Imma find sum ol' pics yeeaaa soooo much fun!!!! .............. RIP Sei chan oW I was listenin' songs then even my mom still remember songs cuz the vocalist " Sei chan " has unique voice like hiccup singing! huh
Yes Veterans! Jake shittin' Driven " SUGE " kun source by MARU Consolidated : http://consolidatedskateboards.blogspot.com http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/maru251280 Nephewwww Takeru Skunk #1 or Bin Laden shii str8 killer Kills Lets Evil life Amen Mark Mahoney oOld pic Chubby Me n Eklips The Seventh Letter " Lemme see ya grill " " Sex Pistols " We have no choice that era '82 was, We were ya side !!!!