my brother " Noboru " and we were 17years old on '86

the gig that we get know each other
today my brother will turning 40 years old.
that maen is imma be 40 in soon gosh........ but its not a big deal
i juss feel like his birthday is very important more than my birthday anyway
well, by standard life expectancy measures, we have probably crossed the half way mark.........
birthdays are good time to reminisce and look ahead.
my brother is real specially person to me.
so, lemme tell sumthing.........
here are our youth memories and what im thiking bout him
i still remember clearly the day '86
bout....i first met my brother
even tho ive heard bout his rumors like i see him previously
"yo kyoko do u know? sum hard core punx is in next town" or
" i saw him at station he was sittin and chill on platform
wiz wear BOY's cap from UK, bleach denim, dr marten and grabbing sum wiskey"
blahblahblah sum funny shit
then one day me n my homie hit the gig of lip cream, gauze, excute, masami etcetc at chuo university in tokyo
the man, my brother passed me wiz riding skateboard what wear sum nel shirts, bleach denim, dr marten !!!
i was like " wtf y he came to ride the skateboard for hardcore gig"
im a true punk lol i wore gauze shirts of sex pistols, creeper lol like thats the punks!
now i think that was thrasher style hahah and he mite he tryna be " Bill Danforth "
but that time was no information cuz of no access to internet so i dont even know bout thrasher is
and Steve Caballero of skater came to Murasaki sports in Harajuku and i came down to see him on NEXT YEAR!!!!
and also Beastie Boys first to came japan next year '87 !!! off course my brother brought the first tee shirts at venue!!!!
me! i couldnt get it shit!
yea RUN DMC first came to tokyo on also next year too !!!!!
awwww yea we hit the 1st thrasher's nite at Tsubaki house is on next year!!!
but my purpose is see the gig of kenzi and the trips lol i dont even care bout thrasher nite hahah
anywayz kenji is my bro"s friend thats y i went to
ow shit we went to " Toy Dolls" at Inkstick shibaura on '87
I was working at Hysteric Glamour like part time job
we had a band together! im a vocal, bro is a guitar lol
87 87 87 87 87 aaaaaah bring back memories........
ow how was in the gig........then he was diving on peep's head in the gig,
he seems good friend wiz masami n masami"s homie " Kuro chan " on the stage
again i was like " wtf y he knows masami of ghoul and other real hard core punx!" i feel so jealous! lol
after the gig finished, my home boy took the dude for introduce me
thiss the dude what ppl has rumors of him, its my brother Noboru!
after we get know each other, we met a lot at gig by chance
off course we became good friend
so what my point is.......
that time was hard to get any information in the era
i set up an information network for dem
go to gig, go to club, digg the vinyl
also we go to UK edison in shinjuku , ow yea sk8thing was working at there
he was a crazy from those days
one day sk8thing came to our shop then i told him bout uk edison
then he was surprise n like " damn its really back in the days "
ow digress!
yes fashion too! seriously we have NO information but we enjoyed wiz fashion!
so he is a best of fashionable! any time any minuets!
looks good also face too lol his face is like " sid vicious " lol
even showed up his ooooold pix rite now its NO PROBLEM!!!!
bout me hellnawwwww im a ugly mf!!!
and me n my brother had a lot of similar
we spent time in the era together
i strongly think he is a coolest ever since i first met him at the gig
at beginning we were friend, became my sister"s bf, became my sister's hubby and me and him became real family
and then he is a my boss now !!!!
how wonderful or how great ! dont u think?
and im proudly to be family wiz him
24 years past i met u
he ll turning 40 as such .......
today is real specially day
Dear my brother NOBORU
even now i still think ur the coolest man and its never change
that y i'd love to u go to ur the way as u want to
and we ll go to ur the way together, we are ur side anytime any minuets
aw but sorry brah! my dad is most fashionable man! no comparison wiz his style hahahahah
誕生日って昔を思い出したり 未来のことを考えたりするのに いい日だよね
で、私にとって この" 弟 " ってのが とても特別な人なの
だから 若き日の私たちのこと 彼のことを 書きたいと思った
”ねえキョウコ 隣町にすげぇパンクがいるんだぜ!知ってる?”とか
”駅にUKのボーイのキャップかぶって、ブリーチしたデニムに マーチン履いた男が ウィスキー持って 座り込んでた!”
で、ある日 友達と中央大学に ガーゼ、リップクリーム のライブに行ったら
私たちの横をネルシャツ着てブリーチのデニムにマーチン履いた野郎が スケートに乗って通り過ぎるわけ
”なんでハードコアのライブにスケートで来てんだよ!” なんて思っちゃって
わたしはTRUE PUNKだから ピストルズのガーゼシャツにラバーソール 笑 王道!
今思えば あれがスラッシャーだったのね それかビルダンフォース気取ってたのかもしれないなぁ
でもさ あの頃は何の情報もないし ネットもないから スラッシャーなんて知らなくて
ビースティーが初来日したのも翌年 もちろん弟はファーストのあのTEEシャツ買ってたよ
そうそうRUN DMCが来たのもこの年87年だった
ああああぁ 椿ハウスに第一回スラッシャーナイトに皆で行ったのも この年
スラッシャーナイトっつても あたしは ゲストのケンジ&トリップス見に行ったんだけどね 笑
一緒にバンドもやってた 私がボーカルで奴はギター笑
あああぁぁ 懐かしい。。。。。
あっそのライブはさ 弟はめっちゃみんなの頭の上にダイブしてるし、ポゴってるし(ポゴってのは今のモッシュね笑)
私はまた なんなんだよ!なんでみんなと知り合いなんだよあいつは!みたいな 完璧にジェラス!
ライブ終わって 私の友達が紹介するよ!って連れてきたのが " クラスメイトが噂していたあの男 " " スケートで通り過ぎた男 "
" ダイブしてたあの男 " " ちょーおしゃれだったあの男 " だった それが私の弟 " 田中 昇 "
その後は色んなライブ行くと 偶然にも彼に逢うようになって
あっそれとお店に来る男の子たちに " ブログ見ましたぁ。なんでキョウコさんテンダーロインの人の写真とか持ってるんすかぁ"
" なんで知ってるんすかぁ "などなど聞かれるので。。。。弟の同級生だから私も知り合いなんです
詳しく書くと弟に怒られるので笑 程々にします。
つっても男ばっかりだけど!流石セミホモ軍団!笑 ああぁぁぁこれも怒られちゃう言葉だわぁ〜
ライブに行ったり クラブに行ったり レコードあさりしたり
新宿のUKエジソン行ったりね そのころにはスケシンも働いてたよ
クレイジーだった そのころから。
ある日私たちの店にスケシンが来たときに その話をしたら
驚いてたよ ずいぶん古い話だよ!って笑
ファッションもそう! ほんと情報ないけど楽しんだ
彼はいつも どんなときでも1番お洒落だった!
顔もかわいいしさ 顔はシドヴィシャス笑 あたしはジョニーがタイプだけど
今写真見せても 全く問題無し!アタシ達は絶対に ムリだけど笑
それに私と彼はすごく似ていたんだ ファッションに対しても 性格も?!
友達から 妹の彼氏になり 夫になり 本当の家族になって
dear my brother Noboru
今でも君は一番かっこいいと思うし これからもそれは変わらない
あっごめん 一番かっこいいのはウチのオヤジでした 笑 ヤツには敵わないでしょ笑