Black Cats...... Member was working at Garage Paradise-Cream Soda in Harajuku who made by Mr Masayuki Yamazaki
Beside I really love mr Yamazaki's story of romance wiz Vivienne who modeling in japanese cosmetics ' 70s n she is a japanese britons

Johnny Thunders is big fan of " Black Cats " See he put Black Cats sticker on his guitar
It was 1981 we r 12 yrs old. me n my home girls r riding bike to hit the record shop then we found this group " Black Cats "
After that we make money like we were badass robber band to sell hahahah (hellyea we r growin' up in ghetto, who is gona give us money! n the era was cant handling on us!)
but its not big deal, So we go to Harajuku to see Black Cats at Garage Paradise in Harajuku or See concert and dancing like rockabilly on the street in Harajuku!!! by skipped class -Imma find sum ol' pics
yeeaaa soooo much fun!!!! .............. RIP Sei chan
oW I was listenin' songs then even my mom still remember songs cuz the vocalist " Sei chan " has unique voice like hiccup singing! huh
holy shiiiiit black cats rock~
and yeah, sorry about not dropping by the shop recently. school is kicking my ass! 来週期末テストがありますから〜
afterwards i'm definitely stopping by though!
NP!!! juss come to holler at me whenever u got a chance!!! テストがんばって〜ね
haha thank you!! 頑張りま〜す!!
実は今日お店に行っても、you weren't there! haha. i'll catch you another time. :p
Thats my bad!!! sorry......see u next time!!!
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