His tatt is so delicate n sensitive by single needle..........
I had sooooooooo much story, drama wiz Jack Rudy n his wify Carrie........I cant even write on here
Eventually we understand each other and he said " I ll tattoo u one of the proudly my script "
Ive never had tattin' like this big script on stomach of women for 33 yrs !!!! everybody thought me get lil script or sum
Hellnaaawwwwh me get a real big 1 on my stomach thiss my dream
then He asked me bout whats letters do u want?
I want to use the word " Charlie " like........ " Whats good Charlie? " or .........
So then Y dont u get " Good Time Charlies " if u like it
" ooO Of course I like it cuz that ur name!!! U give me ur name?!?! Sure? "
" Yes "
Got it !!!!!
" when I was in Japan, I tatted this name on sum Japanese dude.......he was like really love me so he request me tatt the name n skull on arm.......but it was juss I did wiz nothing cuz he want
but Kyoko, thiss totally different between u n that dude, u know. now we KNOW each other.......Yea thiss different "
Im so glad to u say that Jack........
His peeps r comin to say wassup to him When Jack tattin' on me then Jack r talkin to them bout " How did we meet each other in yokohama JP " was funny story, or " See, she juss got Baby Ray's tatt before she come here! " " Damn chu got 2 tatts in a day?! She is a gangsta! " so alala peeps r comin' it was fun
Beside he siad, Me(Jack) n my master who put the name " Good Time Charlie " r writin' sum history book so I ll put ur picture on my book
yea thiss good idea, young japanese women came to here from Tokyo for get my bigass script on her stomach lettered
" GOOD TIME CHARLIES " damn good!!! yea good idea!!!!
Thank u Thank u Jack even if it wont come true Im still happy tho
I had real meaningfully experience in this trip Thanks to Jack, Cariie, Tattoo land's staff, Ray, Steve, Alva, Richard, Retna, Yuri,
Tomo, Chaz, Nori, to all my homies!!!!!!!